Will I ever get normal again?

This is the most asked question by people under rehabilitation programs.

First, you need to understand that healing is a process. It does not happen overnight.

7 Factors that Determine the Healing Process

  1. Triggers and enablers- Triggers are those things that push you to alcohol or drugs. You must know them and deal with them. For instance memories of sexual abuse. Go for counselling and heal
  2. Enablers- These are the people around you and their role. Avoid people who will always buy you drugs and alcohol but not anything substantial. For example. The seemingly harmless “Boys Club”. Please get new company that do different things other than drinking and using drugs.
  3. The amounts of drugs you took- There are heavy and light abusers. If you consumed a higher amount, of course it takes a long time to get the same out of the system.
  4. The kind of drugs that you took- Some drugs wear down the set and need longer to flush them out.
  5. The ability to dedicate yourself to therapy- Abandoning therapy and restarting again will cost you more time at rehab centres.
  6. Detox method
  7. Length of time that you abused the drug- It is obvious that abusing drugs for long means that there is more damage and higher accumulation in the body.

Yes, you will be normal again. The sun will shine again. Take your time and understand that the healing process takes much time.


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