7 Reasons Why You Need to Beat Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction comes with many side effects that need immediate solution. The need to curb this vice is a daily quest for most people. You need to learn the reasons on why you need to beat alcohol addiction as outlined in this article.

  1. For a healthier you
  • Alcohol is a great enemy to your heart. Alcohol increases triglycerides in the bloodstream. This leads to high cholesterol levels around the heart. This is dangerous since fatty blood reduce the speed of the blood giving the heart more work to pump the blood. So, the heart can fail any time.
  • Too much drinking will exhaust your liver as it must work extra hard to process the toxic chemicals. High volumes of alcohol may lead to chronic inflammations on your liver. Beating alcohol addiction gives your liver a chance to regenerate. It is able to repair and recover to its normal conditions.
  • For reproductive health purposes, it is important to curb alcohol consumption. Alcoholics suffer reproductive issues like erectile dysfunction, irregular menstrual cycles and premature births.

     2.   To look younger

Alcohol is a diuretic substance that causes your skin to dehydrate. Alcohol makes you urinate more. It also decreases the production of anti-diuretic hormone (helps in water re-absorption). When your skin is dry it becomes less elastic.

Additionally, dryness exposes you to skin conditions like dandruff, eczema and dryness. This makes you look older.

On top of that, alcohol causes damage on your skin due to tissue inflammation. Production of new cells is also hard due to the aging of the tissues. As a result, you appear older than you are. The need to beat alcohol addiction is a constant battle for that youthful look.

   3. To save your money

Alcoholism involves a lot of spending. There is taxation from the higher prices of the liquors, wines and beers. Partying with friends and buying them alcohol is also an expense. Emergencies that occur during alcoholism are too many.

This may include road accidents due to drinking and driving. Treating injuries you got from drunkenness is paramount. When all these finances add up, you realize that it’s a waste of money. So, beating alcohol addiction helps you plan for your money well. You are able to direct it toward savings and investment.

    4. To improve on your relationships

When you are an addict you spend more time with alcohol since it appears as your best friend. This replaces the need for friends, hobbies and family. You instead pick fights with your dear and near ones.

Quit alcohol today and get to enjoy life in a decent manner. See, you will experience love, care and affection from your loved ones. You will learn how to associate well with everyone. Thus live a happier life.

  5. To improve your mental health

  • Drinking brings about feelings of guilt, indecisiveness, regrets and hangovers. It also takes a toll on your mental capacity leaving you fatigued and drained. It is easier to get rid of mental issues by beating alcohol addiction. Sobriety allows your brain to function at best levels.
  • Alcohol is also a major cause of weight gain. Here is the drill; alcohol contains high levels of calories. They are processed and stored as sugar then converted to fats. The fat accumulates leading to obesity which slows the working of your brain. It is amazing how beating alcohol addiction will help you lose unnecessary weight.

  6. To improve your focus

Time spent drinking; partying and recovering could otherwise be used in important activities. When you beat alcohol addiction you invest much time in your dreams. As a result, you gain stability in your financial, emotional and physical life.

Alcoholism makes you behave in weird ways. Behaviors that may make you regret later in life because they are a pure waste of time.

Beating alcohol addiction gives you a chance to revisit your life and make up for the lost time. Hence, you are able to correct your past mistakes and live a more fulfilling life.

  7. For a better sleep

Alcohol triggers an activity in the brain called “Delta activity”. This is a type of deep sleep that aid in learning and memory restoration). Alcohol also triggers “Alpha activity” (occurs when one is awake). A conflict arises when these two events happen together. So, you cannot rest well in a deep sleep.

Though alcohol is a depressant, it makes you sleepy and alter your sleeping patterns. It hence lowers the quality of your sleep. When you beat alcohol addiction you get an undisturbed sleep. As a result, you concentrate better as well as boost your mental capacity.

Bottom Line

It is not easy to beat alcohol addiction. The process is tough but the end results are great. The points above will help you stay motivated and informed on why you need to beat alcohol addiction.

 Do you need someone to talk to about your addiction? We are here for you. Talk to us now on 0713692848.

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