Triggers are the most common obstacles that can deter an individual from their recovery and sometimes lead to relapse. In order to maintain a solid foundation for your recovery , it’s important to understand your triggers. In addiction recovery, a trigger is any person, place, or event that surfaces the urge for someone to use in recovery. Triggers often vary in severity from intrusive thoughts to an overwhelming anxious need to escape. For any addict, the feeling of needing to escape from anything and everything often triggers the individual to act out on his/her addiction. In regard to triggers in addiction recovery, there are internal and external triggers. Internal triggers are sparked within the addict to fill a void, feel whole, and feel accepted. The internal process within an addict can be a huge trigger. Initially, many addicts first use drugs and alcohol to avoid unwanted emotions. Sadness, anger, fear, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed often engage the feeling of not being in control. External triggers generally refer to outside, physical triggers. These specific types of triggers often trigger internal triggers as well. Smells, Sounds,Tastes,Music,People,MoviePlaces,Seasons, the sound of someone’s voice, a specific time of year, Paraphernalia, Cash, trauma, Credit card, events. Fortunately, there are many ways to cope with triggers in recovery. When dealing with triggers, addicts must remain vigilant in identifying each trigger, preparing a plan to cope with them, and utilizing tools and resources provided during their drugs and alcohol relapse program to move forward. At jorgs Ark Treatment Center, in Limuru, our focus on relapse prevention involves developing healthy coping skills for our clients to integrate into everyday life. On the personal journey to long-term recovery, cravings to use drugs or alcohol are often part of the healing process. With our solution-focused therapies, our clients are able to overcome their cravings and avoid the triggers that lead to relapse. There is light at the end of the tunnel: you never have to use again. Let’s develop a strong relapse prevention plan together that is individualized to your unique needs. Help is waiting at Jorgs Ark Centre in Limuru an area called Tigoni and Kiambu along Riabai road. Call us on 0721712968 or 0713692848 to speak with a member of our admission staff.


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