Tips to Heal Childhood Trauma in Adults

Tips to Heal Childhood Trauma in Adults

Trauma is the response given by an individual to a deeply disturbing and distressing action. It affects your ability to cope with your past situations and emotional experiences. Trauma establishes itself in to physical, sexual and emotional dimensions. In childhood, this sorrow is as a result of chronological negligence, physical attack, sexual assault or bullying. It leaves you with distress, depression, insomnia and nightmares hence lowering your self-esteem. Some common signs of trauma are fear, denial, anger and even sadness. Also, trauma leads to emotional outbursts and difficulties in relationships.

Emotions develop as a result of trauma. Failure to deal with it at its occurrence is very dangerous. This is because it stays in your mind and heart, taking energy from your unconscious mind as you grow up. The fight against childhood trauma age is rare but it should not be neglected. Here are tips that help you recover and attain a deep sense of meaning to life and yourself. Besides, you will regain your high self-esteem.

Take heart and allow yourself to get closer to people

If you suffered childhood trauma in the past, you might regularly find yourself in very disturbing situations. As a result, you become prone to chronic isolation from others. You need to counteract the situation by staying close to others. On top of that, allow people to perceive you well, hang out with you and love you just the way you are. Finding a couple of good friends helps you to melt your emotions faster without fear or shame.

Take care of your physical and emotional being

Regardless of whomever people think you are as a result of trauma, always take care of your emotional and physical being. You can do that by investing in quality sleep to remove such kind of stress. Eating nutritious foods like vegetables and engaging in body workouts like yoga, acupuncture and physical exercise reduces trauma. Taking good care of yourself helps you to forget the traumatizing experience completely. This is because you have realized your worth, which you had not in your childhood days.

Recognize your defense mechanisms

Find the mechanisms that you used at your childhood but did not work. For example, you may have said that others are special than you hence neglecting and undermining yourself. When you work on realizing your value, you become self-reliant. Recognizing what you currently do as a result of child hood trauma is the first step to healing trauma.

Act as if you did not experience fear in the past

After recognizing the current mechanism you used to fight childhood trauma, do something else other than that. For example, if you do everything by yourself, allow others to chip in and assist you. Allow them to get closer to you. If you handle issues with anger, take a deep breath and act with love and self-understanding. Also, allow yourself to get support from other people. In so doing, the childhood trauma in you has no choice but to embark on an exit route.


Childhood trauma can bring problems in your adulthood if it isn’t taken care of. It’s therefore crucial to go through a healing process so that you are able to replace your traumatizing childhood with a happy adulthood. Letting go of past memories is also a strategy which heals the trauma. The tips above can be beneficial in healing your childhood trauma as an adult.

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