Is your teenager smoking marijuana?

Do you suspect that your teenage is smoking marijuana? Well, finding out if your teenage is using the drug can be a daunting tasks if you know little about it.

The good thing is, you only need to know a few indicators to tell if your teen is into marijuana.

What you need to know about marijuana

Marijuana is an extract of the cannabis plant. It is usually a mixture of flowers, seeds, dried out leaves and stems. It can be brown, green or gray in color.

It’s one of the most abused illegal drugs not only in the United States but also across the world. It is also known as weed, pot, herb, grass, bud, and ganja.

Despite the fact that it is legal in some parts of the world, it isn’t safe for the body. There are many chemicals within the drug but the one which causes a person to be intoxicated or get “high” is known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

Perhaps one thing which distinguishes marijuana from other drugs is its strong, distinctive smell. If you know the odor, it becomes very easy to tell if someone close is using it.

Sometimes users of the drug are successful in covering up the smell with perfumes or cologne. Others wait till the odor goes away to interact with non-smokers so it can be pretty difficult to know it through smell alone.

Local Signs of Marijuana

Dried green leaf stuffed with seed buds


Small leaves packed and rolled in a brown manila paper

Leaves rolled in roller papers similar to cigarettes but with one thinner end than the other

Remains of smoked weed kept in folded toilet paper, brown manila paper or match box (You can find some traces in the linings of his pockets)

Burned or yellow strains of nicotine on nails or index figure tips

New habits of chewing gum or sweets

Sudden use of perfume or perfumed products like soaps

Tendency to brush/wash month at unregular timings

How marijuana is used

Marijuana users usually smoke it as a cigarette (joint). One can also smoke it through a water pipe or dry pipe (bong). The drug can be brewed as tea and added to foods such as cookies.

Other users open up cigar and fill it with weed, and this is popularly referred to as a ‘blunt’. Blunts and joints could be laced with other harmful drugs such as PCP and cocaine.

How to tell if your teen is using marijuana

If you have a feeling your teen uses pot, you can look out for the following signs and symptoms.

  • Bloodshot eyes

Your teen’s eyes may appear red. This is usually due to the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) chemical found in Marijuana. Blood-red eyes can be treated using eye drops so your teen can easily hide it from you.

  • Increased appetite

A sudden increase in your teen’s appetite for food can be an alarming sign. THC tricks the brain of a Marijuana user into thinking he or she is hungry even after a few hours of taking a meal.

  • Dry mouth

Most marijuana users have dry and darker lips compared to non-users. Also known as cottonmouth, dry mouth results from the drug which sucks moisture out of the mouth.

  • Impaired memory

Long-term use of Marijuana causes memory loss. Research shows that Marijuana users perform worse in cognitive abilities compared to non-users. Your teen may begin to be forgetful and unable to perform simple class work tasks after a long period of using the drug.

  • Drowsiness

Smoking weed makes you feel tired and sleepy. This condition is also associated with THC which communicates with the brain and body receptors associated with your sleep/wake cycle. The result is drowsiness.

Aside from the above, other signs unique to marijuana users include:

  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Euphoria
  • Lethargy
  • Foggy memory
  • Slow movement
  • Difficulty solving problems and paying attention
  • Difficulties in studying

Be on the lookout for marijuana paraphernalia such as rolling papers, blunts, joints and bongs.

Those are just some physical signs that you can use to tell if someone close to you is on weed. They may try to hide it for some time but they eventually expose themselves.

Behavioral changes

Weed is a drug and it alters the normal functioning of the mind. What this means is that the marijuana user will start acting abnormally after a certain period of using the drug. It affects people differently so there is no specific pattern of behaviors to watch out for.

First, pot users will fail to perform their duties. For high school kids, they may stop doing their house chores or neglect their school work. You’ll notice that they suddenly lose an interest in activities that they should be doing.

They’ll also be highly unmotivated. Someone who prefers to sleep on the couch for days on end could be a marijuana addict. The drug, as we have explained earlier makes the victim tired and sleepy.

Another vital behavior change is increased secrecy. If you teen suddenly become super-secretive, it’s time you investigate what’s going on.

They probably know what they are doing is wrong so they’ll try to hide it from you. They’ll openly lie about who they’re hanging out with and may even lock their rooms so you can’t have access to their property.

Watch out for slang names for weed your teen could be using in conversions with fiends. Some of these code names include Mary Jane, herbal refreshment, 420, crippy, dank, hydro, ganja, nugget, nib, schwag, toke, reefer, and purp.

Another indicator is when they can’t manage their finances. People who’re addicted to pot will spend almost all their money on it. If your teenage starts to regularly borrow money from you and other close adults, find out where the money is going.

What to do if you highly suspect your teen is doing weed

When you’ve done your homework and arrived at the conclusion that your teen is on marijuana, have a candid talk with them.

Approach them in a friendly tone and find out why they have been using drugs behind your back. It’s important to get them to tell you why the decided to use marijuana in the first place.

It’s your duty to inform them of the harmful effects of weed on their minds and bodies. Once you’ve done that, see to it that they join a new circle of friends. The rehabilitation doesn’t end there. Always be there for them and encourage them to be open about their fears, insecurities, and troubles.


Considering the widespread use of marijuana worldwide, your teenage kid could already be using it. Always be vigilant and show interest in your teens activities. Be the first person to educate them on the benefits of avoiding drugs such as pot.

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