For those who struggle with an addiction, it may feel like the time has passed to seek help. We want you to know that your life is worth getting sober, no matter what age you are. Many people believe that they are “too old” to try and kick an addiction. If you have used alcohol as a coping mechanism for most of your life, on good days and bad, it may feel like an impossible task to quit now. But it’s never too late. Getting sober at 40, or even older, is possible. Yes, finding sobriety later in life will have its challenges. It will be cutting out a large part of your life. And, while getting sober in your 20s or 30s is quite different, getting sober at 40 is more common than you may think. And there is a higher chance that you will stay sober at this point in life. As an adult, you may have functioned as well as you could. But the one constant in your life has been alcohol. Thinking of cutting it from your life completely can be incredibly overwhelming. It leaves so many questions: what will I do instead of drinking? Will parties ever be the same again? Can I live without alcohol? Such questions can create a feeling of despair and helplessness. But these feelings are normal. If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, help is waiting at Jorgs Ark Centre is in Limuru an area called Tigoni and Kiambu along Riabai road. Call us on 0721712968 or 0713692848 to speak with a member of our admission staff.


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