How to Tell If You’re an Alcohol Addict

Alcohol abuse also referred to as alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (A.U.D.) is a condition in which one’s drinking behaviour cannot be controlled at all costs and all the efforts to stop the habit prove futile.  It’s important to understand the signs so that it becomes easier for you to seek help for yourself or a loved one.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

In women, you know you are in alcohol abuse when you are served more than three drinks in a day and more than seven drinks in a week.

In men, taking more than four drinks in a day and more than fourteen drinks per week is considered as alcohol abuse.

More Signs of Alcohol Abuse

  • Withdrawal from family, friends, relationships, and workmates. Withdrawing from the people you used to associate with before means that you have a new pastime occupying you. So, if it’s in the workplace, withdrawal signs point out that you are slowly getting into alcohol abuse.
  • Less interest in hobbies, and activities of relaxation that you enjoyed before – When you are in alcohol abuse, you lose interest in hobbies like swimming, engaging in sports, and travelling among others. This is because you spend most of your time gulping down some bottles. Then the next minute you are nursing hangovers. Therefore, you have no time for hobbies, interests and activities like before
  • Skipping duties and responsibilities at home and at work. You drink too much at the expense of taking care of your family and work duties. At the family level, you end up neglecting obligations, especially the financial ones.
  • Taking the booze in secrecy – This mostly happens while you are spending time alone and are tempted to sneak some booze for a good time. If this happens regularly, then you are in alcohol abuse.
  • A feeling of anxiety and depression after gulping down some bottles – When you are in alcohol abuse, taking the binge is all fun and exciting until after some time. You start feeling empty, anxious about everything, and suddenly you are depressed.
  • Being unable to perform optimally before drinking alcohol – In such a situation, you only perform exemplary only under the influence of alcohol. This means alcohol is kind of a stimulant to the functioning of your brain.
  • Inability to do without alcohol (this is in other words known as addiction) – When in deep alcohol abuse, you literally cannot do without alcohol a single day. Alcohol has made its way into your system and there’s no way you can stop drinking easily.

Bottom Line

It may not be simple to distinguish whether you are in alcohol abuse or not. Nevertheless, the above signs and symptoms will help you point out clearly whether you are abusing alcohol.

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