How to tell if you’re a gambling addict

The tag of war between the government, betting companies and gambling outlets is an ongoing war despite higher taxations and restrictions. From numerous reports, Kenya is fast becoming a country of gambling addicts. This game of chance has become a social ill that continues to affect many families and youths especially. Out of concern, many reason that the only cure is a total ban. Whatever the case, a gambling addiction is a very real disorder.

Also referred to as pathological gambling, compulsive gambling or gambling disorder, it is an impulse-control disorder. One cannot control the impulse to gamble despite the negative effects on one and loved ones.

Termed as a ‘hidden illness,’ this is because there are no obvious physical signs or symptoms like there are in drug or alcohol addiction.

Could you be a silent gambling addict? Below are signs you could be a gambling addict.

Feel the need to be secretive

The fact that you gamble in secret or lie about how much you gamble saying others won’t understand or that you will surprise them with a big win is a big sign you have a gambling problem.

  • Having trouble controlling your gambling

Once you start gambling, can you walk away despite the outcome? Most gamblers after a win or loss still end up betting resulting in a recurring problem that one cannot get over easily.

  • Gambling even when you don’t have the money

You know you don’t have money but you still have the urge to use whatever you have even if it is money for paying bills, school fees, capital for a business or a loan. If you’re completely down to the last cent, you feel the need to borrow, sell or even steal to get money for gambling.

  • Being unable to stop gambling

Many gamblers know the risks associated with gambling and why it is important for them to quit. However, regardless of how hard they try, they cannot fight the urge to play.

  • Gambling out of need

When trying to cut down on gambling or stop altogether, some gamblers experience psychological withdrawal symptoms. They become impatient, easily irritable or tense when they do not gamble.

  • Your loved ones raise concern

Denial keeps gambling going on. If friends and family are worried about and have raised alarm, you should listen to them carefully. It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help.

  • Always betting more

The problem many gamblers have is increasing their ‘dose’ of gambling to enjoy it. They have to bet more and more money to get the kind of rush they want. Unfortunately, the more they bet, the more they lose!

  • Gambling to forget

Some gamblers play so as to distract themselves to forget their problems as well as to reduce stress. They just don’t play for fun but to escape from whatever’s bothering them not forgetting that gambling in itself is a danger.

  • Your world revolves around it

It is all you think about and prioritize. Due to the addiction, gamblers fall deep into financial, social as well as professional trouble. Everything around them is affected by gambling and this puts families, friendships, studies, work, future and everything else in general at risk.

Original article source: Standard Media

Do you need someone to talk to about your addiction? We are here for you. Talk to us now on 0713692848.

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