How to Manage Stress During Recovery

Stress is a normal body reaction we encounter as a result of unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances in our lives. Severe stress, however, can be detrimental to your health. Depression and anxiety can quickly result from chronic stress hence leading to more barriers to recovery.

A recovery addict who experiences extreme stress can easily resort to drugs or alchol as a mechanism to cope with the situation. This is why it is important to learn the various methods of managing stress so as to avoid cases of relapse. These stress managing tips are generally crucial to every individual, and not necessarily confined to those undergoing recovery.

  1. Exercise regularly

Physical exercises such as yoga have great health benefit to your mind and body. Research shows that body exercises help in producing chemicals (endorphins) in the brain which is a natural pain killer that also reduce stress levels.

  1. Don’t bottle it up

It is important to express your negative emotions or feelings to family or friends who you trust. Hidden emotions increase stress and frustration and can hinder recovery. Talking things out, on the other hand bring relief. You can also journal your feelings

  1. Stay positive

Frequent self-judgment and criticism can lead to increase stress level. Learn to maintain positive attitude even in difficult situations. Also, you have the potential of changing negative thoughts to positive ones by surrounding yourself with positive people. Having a positive mindset is important in recovery. Learn more about the power of positive thinking.

  1. Eat healthy

The benefits of a healthy diet are often overlooked when it comes to stress management. Foods with nutrients such as Omega 3 and vitamin E are essential to the body and help improve blood level and lower inflammatory levels.

You should also limit intake of caffeine because it stimulates the Central Nervous Systems and may lead to headaches which can elevate stress levels.

  1. Practice a routine you enjoy

Which kind of activity do you genuinely enjoy with no much effort? It may be walking, cycling, reading, hiking e.t.c . Spare time for such activities and it will help a great deal in reducing stress. Regular fun activities help in keeping you active and motivated to conquer anything you may be going through.

  1. Take a good nap

The benefits of a good sleep can never be exhausted. According to research, chronic stress  can severly affect sleep. If you find difficulties in sleeping, you can try meditation as a way of relaxing your mind and releasing stress. Avoid overthinking which can make it difficult to get enough rest.

In Conclusion

Almost everyone goes through stress at some point in life. What makes the difference is in how you allow it to take control of you, and how you manage it. During recovery, it’s essential to maintain a stress-free life to avoid going back to substance abuse disorder. Consider the points mentioned above to help you manage stress at any point in life.

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