How Heavy Alcohol Consumption Affects the Body

Alcohol has been on consumption for centuries. The substance is metabolized at a constant rate. However, it is the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) that determines the effects of alcohol on the Central Nervous System. Depending on an individual BAC, the effects can range from minor complications that can last for hours and major complications that can be severe and can last a lifetime leading to coma then death. Both long term and short term effects are attributed to the following factors:

  • Age

The older the person, the longer the alcohol will stay in the liver. The liver is responsible for the alcohol metabolism before moving into the entire bloodstream, this increases the levels of intoxication and risks of liver damage. The water level in the body decreases with increase in age, the results is higher blood Alcohol content.

  • Biological sex

Male and female have varied physiological differences. Hence, alcohol is broken down in the body slower in female than in male thereby it stays longer in women than in men. This is because women have a higher percentage of body fats and lower percentage of water as compared to men. Also, women have higher levels of hormones than men, a factor that that affects the ability of the body to metabolize alcohol.

  • Food

Alcohol is highly absorbed in an empty stomach. Blood Alcohol content is also said to be three times higher in an empty stomach.

  • Body size

Big bodied people with more fat generally have a higher blood alcohol Content.

  • Medication

Some drugs interact with alcohol hence changing how the body functions; this really affects how the body metabolizes alcohol. Some drugs will increase alcohol absorption by emptying the small intestines. The medicines include:

Anti-anxiety medicines – Xanax

Cough and cold medicines

Diabetes medications– chloropropamide

Alcohol damages the following vital body parts:

  1. Brain

This is part of the body charged with entire functioning and controlling how other body organs work to ensure existence. Alcohol interferes with brain structures and affects production of serotonins, cerebellum, cerebrum, central nervous systems and the results are loss of memory, loss of body balance, poor concentration, loss of coordination, mood swing, loss of critical judgment and passing out.

  1. Heart

This is part of the body charged with pumping blood, the medium transport useful substances and waste substances in and out the body.

Heavy drinking increases triglyceride levels, a type of body fat that contributes to chances of developing heart diseases and diabetes. Also, it interferes with how oxygen and nutrients are delivered to critical body organs. This results into vitamin deficiency that severely affects the brain and can lead to memory loss and emotional disturbance

  1. Liver

This is the body part charged with alcohol metabolism. Too much drinking interferes with the process of breaking down alcohol in the body and leads to fatty liver. This is a chronic condition can lead to higher chances of developing diabetes and liver failure.

  1. Pancreas

This body part is charged with controlling blood sugar levels. Too much intake of alcohol causes blood vessels around the pancreas to swell leading to pancreatitis. This condition can lead to pancreatic cancer.

  1. Nerve damage

Nerves are charged with relaying of information through neuro-transmitters to the brain for actions to be taken by the responsible organ. Heavy drinking affects the central nervous system, the central server that controls flow of information to and fro the brain. When this part becomes dysfunctional, an individual suffers from poor response to emotions, loss of memory among others.

  1. Ulcers

This is a condition that results into production of hydrochloric acid for digestion in the small intestines. Normally when alcohol is consumed in an empty stomach, it gets absorbed highly in this part and when the stomach is empty, the HCL is produced on the assumption that food is present for digestion. However, the stomach walls get eaten away by the acid now that nothing is present for digestion. This is what causes ulcers.


Due to the severe complications from heavy alcohol consumption, it’s advisable to practice standardized drinking. Before drinking, you should also be aware of the underlying effects and also read the label to know the percentage of alcohol content in the drink. It is also important to seek help for severe drinking problems and alcohol addiction by visiting a rehab.

Get help and stop alcohol addiction

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