Gambling Results into Suicide

Annually, 500 young and energetic British men commit suicide. These men apparently hooked their lives onto the betting giant sites. They could not quit at all. According to statistics, almost 430,000 Britons are gamblers. Most of them kill themselves after realizing that they cannot live without gambling.

Their lives have been swallowed by the betting companies such that they can do nothing meaningful with their lives. The only option out of gambling is suicide.

Kevin Sluman, Phil Stretton, Joshua Jones are some of the finest Britons who commited suicide after losing money to betting. They placed bet after bet, salary after salary until all was gone. Betting giants are busy marketing their next bet as homes lose their loved ones. Mothers are losing their sons to this vice.

Gambling is an epidemic. Young people are placing bets on debts. Gambling also triggers mental health issues that kill these people. People have lost all hope. TV sports coverage in the UK is almost rivalled by the one in Kenya. It is heavily laced with bets.

BET365 is making billions of dollars as young men die.

Gambling is easy to quit because you will not win. The companies are making billions of shillings.



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