Where do we draw the line between being caring, understanding and loving to our addict loved ones, and showing them the tough love? It is okay to take that drunk call and drive them home,  in fact, this is what we are supposed to do .Never ignore a drunk text or  just brush it off saying that is just the way they are when drunk .pick that call ,answer that text , fetch them from where they are .some of this addicts dont even know they need help .It is like they are walking with a big sign on their head saying ‘HELP ME’ !we as the friends and family are supposed to make that call for them .While caring for this loved ones we start treating them like babies ,smothering them with pity .sometimes tough love is the only way out .stop walking on eggshells around your loved one .sit them down and make them realize they are single handedly destroying their life .Remember ,if you  baby the addict ,you will most definitely  bury the addict.

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