Covid-19 Has Affected You in More than 3 Ways

Leslie* (not her real name) is scared of everything. Her mother had been ailing before Covid-19. The family was too stressed and broke with her medication. As if that was not enough, she was the sole provider for her mother’s medical care needs. Her siblings work in a car wash that she had just opened for them. When Covid-19 started taking its toll on her, she feels angry at everyone all the time. She does not understand if its fate or Covid-19. Her mother passed on at the height of Covid-19. They could not travel to bury her because they lacked money. They had to bury her in Mombasa and she is from Western Kenya. She lost her job after the burial. The car wash is not doing well and her children need to eat. Regardless of the rations sent by the Mombasa Governor, she is in dire need. She feels that she never did her mother a favor by burying her at the coast. She faces many days of uncertainty and loss of dignity. Now, she is in a total lockdown in Old Town. Her brothers cannot work at the car wash. The landlord threatens every day that she will send agents to carry away all her household items to settle the rent arrears.

Leslie can only describe herself with a few words, “Totally hopeless”.

Most Kenyans are experiencing Leslie’s situation. People are slowly losing their minds over Covid-19 curfews, rules, and regulations. Our mental health is at a very high risk that it was before Covid-19.

 What is the Impact of Covid-19?

  • Extreme fear and anxiety- Today, so many people are worried about their next meal than before.
  • Difficulties in sleeping- People are not sleeping well due to stress.
  • Chronic health problems are getting worse- People fear to go to the hospital for the fear of being diagnosed with Covid-19. People are scared of quarantine costs that they cannot afford.
  • Mental health conditions are getting worse by the day. People do not have money to see counselors and the rules such as safe distancing and travel rules make it hard to travel home and seek solace.
  • Increased alcohol and drug use- People are consuming too much alcohol and drugs because they are idle, stressed, anxious, and depressed.
  • Fear of law enforcers- Everywhere people go, the police are always ready to arrest them and take them to forced quarantine. As such, people avoid jogging and exercising outside.

Five Things You Should Do To Get Moving

  1. Try to eat well- Try to take two meals a day and drink a lot of water
  2. Try going back to your normal routine like working. Things are slowly returning to normalcy.
  3. As you work, follow precautions to avoid contracting the disease. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and exercise social distancing.
  4. Take a break from watching news updates.
  5. Start connecting with people- People can listen and help you with some of the challenges you are facing.

If you are in deep stress and anxiety visit Jorgs Ark Rehabilitation.

We will help





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