Covid-19 had Increased Levels of Family Stress

In the recent past, several families around the country have faced cases of extreme gender based violence because of stress and depression. There are no jobs. There is no money. Mothers are watching their children cry painfully looking for food. Others are depressed that they are no longer earning and the rent arrears are due. They want hope, they want something to hold on. They are depressed and sick. Others are committing suicide while the rest are looking at closed doors that may never reopen.

One member in a group posted about her state of affairs. She has three children and a small business. Her business is doing badly and her children expect everything for her. In the past three weeks, she has not seen her husband. On Monday, someone told her, his car has been seen outside a gated community in one of Nairobi’s affluent estates. Her husband left without a care. Depression and extreme stress due to job loss and Covid-19 measures is crumbling families.

Depression needs treatment just like any other disease. It is important to go for counseling and care on handling the situation.

Remember “You are not your situation.” Things will get better.

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