
A trigger is anything that that makes a person feel the urge to go back to using drugs .It can be a place, person,thing,smell, feeling or memory that reminds a person of taking drugs and getting high .A trigger can be something stressful that you want to escape from,it can be something that makes you […]

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Study shows that getting sober is always a new year resolution for 70% of those that admit to having a substance use disorder yet not even half that number are able to meet that resolution.why?! Most people don’t take the step to actually get sober . Recovery is harder than what most people think .

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The holidays can be triggering for those of us trying to maintain our sobriety .At a time when booze is freely flowing,how do you stay sober and not give in to the temptation? Remember how far you’ve come , Remember how much the withdrawals sucked .look at all the progress you have made . Call

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Let’s embrace our addict friends.They are still human .The ill treatment that they get just makes the situation worse.There is always a story behind the drinking and drug use . Let us check up on them . whether they are doing okay or not .instead of judging and avoiding them,let us try to get them

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“I still remember the long nights of desperation , The endless days of shame ,all the time I felt lost and all the pain.I pray that i never forget . Remembering keeps me clean .I do not want to forget my past .I want to learn from it .I want others to learn from it

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Roughly 50% of people who struggle with mental health issues also wrestle with substance abuse, often because substances seem to lessen the pain of mental illness at the moment . This makes it important to not only concentrate on addiction treatment but also on mental health. At Jorgs Ark Centre we put emphasis on therapy

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It’s the end of November and the start of the festive month. unfortunately ,it’s also around the time of the year where so many drunk driving cases are reported .Do not put other people at risk just because you want to have “fun” . Also if your loved one is a careless drunk , please

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Who said one day sober isn’t a big deal? When you have spent every second of everyday thinking about using ,1 day Is a cause for celebration .it is a big achievement and you should definitely take pride in it .Now imagine 1 year sober , 5 years or 10 year sober…it seems like every

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The year is coming to an end real quick and it’s time to go over those resolutions we made . Have you cut down on your drinking or using or are you waiting to do it all over again this festive season and next year? Has your loved one kept their promise on being sober

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