
Addiction is the most severely stigmatized mental illness, with many people believing its not an illness at all. National surveys have found that most people believe we are responsible for our problem and that a lack of willpower or bad character is the cause of addiction .ignorance, however, is no longer bliss…. for reliable information

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Thought for the Day It’s been proven that we ,alcoholics, can’t get sober by our willpower. We’ve failed again and again. Therefore I believe there must be a Higher Power, which helps me. I think that power differs from one addict to another . And I pray every morning for the strength to stay sober

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Hello, My name is DRUGS – I destroy homes, tear families apart, take your children, and that’s just the start. I’m more costly than diamonds, more costly than gold, the sorrow I bring is a sight to behold. and if u need me, remember I’m easily found, I live all around you, in schools and

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Being sober and clean brings out the best in you. You become at peace with yourself, you reconnect with people you love. Being connected with the right people will make you happier and healthier. You glow differently when you are free from the negativities of addiction. And if you have joy and Jesus in your

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It’s all fun and games with friends until you wake up 10 years later with no investments ,no family , suffering from addiction with only pictures on your phone of people you can’t even remember .it’s time we take accountability for our lives .Be wise on what you use your money on .Be wise on

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I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge.It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason.It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories,from a sense of unsupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom-

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Yesterday I laid to rest the love of my life. I got clean and she didn’t. July 6, on her birthday, she did a shot in the bathtub and fell out. She drowned. Addiction has taken so much from me over my life but this is almost more than I can bare… The Detective said

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Many factors can influence our recovery process— the research often divides them into a few categories, including “extratherapeutic factors, expectancy effects, specific therapy techniques, and common factors” (Lambert & Barley, 2001). “Common factors” sounds vague and boring but it’s often where the magic happens— these are typically relational influences like empathy, warmth, and the therapeutic

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Most people wish to live as healthy as possible for as long as possible.yet the lifestyle they lead guarantees that won’t happen .Where is the disconnect ? Is it lack of knowledge or self neglect ?Most of us are running off a cliff and we are unbothered.Dont let your addiction get to a point of

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