Jorgs Ark

Recovery has a funny way of making life look a little brighter again even though it’s one of the most difficult decisions to make.Sobriety delivered what the drugs and alcohol promised.It is a path that allowed my confidence to be high, but my mind to be straight.I make choices now to better myself, my life, […]

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“Hello. I’m Ryan. I’m a recovering addict/alcoholic. I gave up drinking at 24(approaching 39) but still struggled with cocaine for those 15/16 years of not drinking. I’m a high functioning addict; I would always attempt to juggle relationships, multiple jobs, social activities and parenting all while trying to hide my addiction. It wasn’t fear that

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Most people wish to live as healthy as possible for as long as possible.yet the lifestyle they lead guarantees that won’t happen .Where is the disconnect ? Is it lack of knowledge or self neglect ?Most of us are running off a cliff and we are unbothered.Dont let your addiction get to a point of

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At times, doubts will cloud your mind. Will I ever get normal again? Will I get my life back? Yes you will…It’s never too late to stop using . Recovery is possible but only works for those who take the first step.Take that step today by calling us . We will work and help you

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Addiction is much more than just being addicted to drugs and alcohol. It is a comorbid of conditions,trauma and fear.There is always much more going on than “needing a high” .Drinking and using is killing your body and mind and it will most likely kill you if you don’t take the step and be

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A trigger is anything that that makes a person feel the urge to go back to using drugs .It can be a place, person,thing,smell, feeling or memory that reminds a person of taking drugs and getting high .A trigger can be something stressful that you want to escape from,it can be something that makes you

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Study shows that getting sober is always a new year resolution for 70% of those that admit to having a substance use disorder yet not even half that number are able to meet that resolution.why?! Most people don’t take the step to actually get sober . Recovery is harder than what most people think .

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The holidays can be triggering for those of us trying to maintain our sobriety .At a time when booze is freely flowing,how do you stay sober and not give in to the temptation? Remember how far you’ve come , Remember how much the withdrawals sucked .look at all the progress you have made . Call

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Let’s embrace our addict friends.They are still human .The ill treatment that they get just makes the situation worse.There is always a story behind the drinking and drug use . Let us check up on them . whether they are doing okay or not .instead of judging and avoiding them,let us try to get them

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“I still remember the long nights of desperation , The endless days of shame ,all the time I felt lost and all the pain.I pray that i never forget . Remembering keeps me clean .I do not want to forget my past .I want to learn from it .I want others to learn from it

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