Am I addicted to Porn?

Of all the types of addiction, porn addiction is reported to have the highest number of victims. It’s hard to tell whether you are consuming excessive porn which in the end turns out to be an addiction. This article is about the signs and symptoms that you portray when you are addicted to porn. So, if you constantly ask yourself the question, ‘Am I addicted to porn?’, here’s how to get the answers.

  1. You spend tons of time watching porn           

 If your day’s top priority is watching porn, then you are addicted. This is clear when you hardly accomplish your daily targets simply because you invested much of your time watching porn. This is usually at the expense of getting productive at work or in your regular schedules.

Most porn addicts find it hard surviving a few minutes without sneaking to watch the porn. So, if you find yourself spending chunks of time in front of your gadgets watching those videos, that’s a tell-tale sign that you are addicted to porn.

       2. You are unable to stop

You might find yourself trapped in watching porn and at a given time you want to ditch this habit. However, your efforts bear no fruits no matter how hard you try. It’s so frustrating that the harder you try to stop the harder it becomes to stop.

Most of the time you deprive yourself of the watching but the urge pushes you so much that you eventually give in. If at all you have tried to stop porn addiction but found yourself sliding back into it, you seriously need help because you are addicted to porn.

      3. You cannot concentrate

Porn addiction is so serious that it gets you drifted on almost all occasions. Say you are out with friends or family having a good time. Unfortunately, your mind easily drifts and you start thinking about porn videos.

It’s also evident that porn addicts rarely hit targets at work since they find it difficult to focus on tasks assigned to them. As a result, they become less productive at work since their energy is focused elsewhere. There have zero to no concentration.

   4. You find your partner unattractive

When you are addicted to porn, you fall into a habit of comparing your partner to the porn stars. So in the long run, you find them unattractive. This is evident when you become demanding of their sexual activities, a habit you never had before. What would arouse you before never does the magic again.

Similarly, you may find that you don’t respond to their sexual advances anymore because you visualize the porn all the time. This, in turn, breaks your relationships because your partner feels distant and unloved.

   5. You get angry easily

Porn addicts tend to get angry at the slightest things. For instance, if something happens and they cannot access their porn sites for pleasure, they rant it out to anyone near them. You find that if you also get carried away by the marketing tricks of paying a little more bucks for quality porn, you end up wasting your money. Consequently, you are bankrupt and you quickly get angry at everyone around you.


The above points help you to easily answer the question, ‘Am I addicted to porn?’ Porn addiction like other addictions has its signs and symptoms. Do you find yourself quitting your hobbies to secure more time for porn viewing? This plus the signs listed above serve to tell you whether you are addicted to porn or not.

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