Addiction Starts in the Brain

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Well, the brain works through neurons that are responsible for sending transmitter substances through the human body. Drugs affect the way the neurons receive and send the process signals. Drugs have chemicals that resemble the structure of neurotransmitters. These chemicals attach to the neurons and send and receive signals just like natural transmitters such as dopamine.

Cocaine triggers neurons to release huge amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prohibit the normal recycling of the same. The drugs will, therefore, affect the normal communication between neurons.

What happens when desire turns to want?

A person desires for something after tasting it. The feeling and experience registers in the brain. Then, the brain makes demands given the physical and natural condition of the person.

The Pleasure Role of the Brain

After testing, the plain registers the experience. For example, after pleasurable sex or a meal, the brain registers the feeling. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter is released into the brain’s nucleus accumbens, which is the pleasure point of the brain.

All drugs register with the nucleus accumbens and they create a powerful release of dopamine. The release makes a person feel relieved, happy, elevated. When the drug’s concentration goes done, a person starts feeling sad, anxious, angry and withdrawn until the next dose is given.


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