In the midst of the COVID-19 that continues to ravage the entire globe, Jorgs Ark would like to assure all our clients and their significant other of our continued support in offering the much needed service to deal with S.U.D and other psychological issues associated with S.U.D.
Following the directive from the National Government to control movement in and out of Nairobi through the various roadblocks erected on all entry and exit points, people may shy away from seeking the much needed help to safeguard their loved ones. It is with this regards we would like to assure you that we have made arrangements with the security agencies manning these points to allow access to the facility. NB: ACCESS WILL BE FOR ONLY ONE PERSON FOLLOWING THE REGULATION GIVEN BY THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT
In cases where you might need our intervention with regards to a loved one who has no insight, involuntary client, we have our team that will be at your service to come and pick him/her from where they are.

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