6 Ways to Support an Addicted Loved One to Recovery

The family plays a major role in supporting a loved one to recovery. When you keep hope alive that your loved one is capable of living a fulfilling sober life again, recovery gets easy. There are given ways to support a loved one in their recovery path from drugs and alcohol. Are you looking to break the addiction of a loved one for full recovery? This article will guide you through.

  1. Guide them on how to find medically supervised detox and supervision

Enroll your loved one to a treatment plan to help them on the recovery process. Also ensure that they observe the prescribed medication, follow appointment dates and solve all medication-related issues well, like the side effects. Medical supervision offers long term results by healing even the damaged organs like the liver.

  1. Advice your loved one on the importance of a sober life

Tell them how rewarding staying sober is. Show them the benefits of leading a sober life to make them desire to quit the addiction. Will they have fruitful relationships? Will they save more money? Will they have good health? When they answer these questions, they would decide better to stop drugs habit. Your loved one would then plan their lives accordingly when they are sober!

  1. Always remind your loved one that recovery is a process

He or she has to go through the steps. Celebrate them when they make a little progress since eventually, they will gain full recovery. Sometimes it can get tough when they feel they are not achieving the results as fast. At such times, assure them that this is a process which needs time and dedication. You can also offer to drive them to and fro treatment, participate in family therapy or do exercises together. This helps you monitor their progress closely.

  1. Ensure your loved one keep away from drugs and alcohol

Keep any drugs away from the house to avoid temptations. You should keep no alcoholic or any other intoxicating drugs within their reach. It’s also good to limit their social activities where alcohol is served. Make sure your loved one accompany with sober people with whom they have a common goal. If it’s engaging in social activities, let them consider only sober social activities like playing football or swimming. Refraining from alcohol and drugs makes it easier to get recovery for your loved one.

  1. Offer social support

Engage your loved one in open communication to understand his or her problems better. It also helps to spend quality together as you listen to their fears, wishes, and ambitions. It gives them a great feeling that someone cares about them. It’s also a way of helping your loved one to fill the void that was left by the alcohol and drug addiction. Such social support serves to remind your loved one that he or she has the potential to live a normal and sober life.

  1. Encourage them to join peer support groups

These organizations help your loved one get emotional support. They include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) among others. Supporting their participation in these peer groups fosters their full recovery.  For the best results, learn the philosophy of the peer groups. Then start using the language they use in daily life. This serves as a reminder of the expectations your loved one should adhere to.


It’s fulfilling seeing a loved one once addicted to alcohol and drugs recover. This only happens after offering the victim endless support. To enroll them in the rehabilitation centers is of utmost importance. Here they get specialized care based on the level of damage the drugs had done. Therefore, it’s critical to support a loved one to recover from addiction.

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