21 Day Mental Wellness Challenge


  1. Determine what you struggle with everyday when it comes to your mental health.

    What is it that troubles your mind every single day? May be a loss you experienced, family issue, work pressure, or an awful experience you have never overcome.

  2. Don’t bottle it up

    None of us is a superhuman. We all get overwhelmed when thing go wrong. Don’t be afraid of sharing your challenges and asking for help.

  3. Write a list of the things you’re grateful for

    There are a lot of good things in life to be grateful for. Don’t only focus on the negative situations.

  4. Read something that will help improve your mental health

    Reading strengthens your brain muscles and relaxes your body and mind. Develop a habit of reading to de-stress yourself.

  5. Give yourself time to grieve over a loss or misfortune in life

    Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take enough time to overcome the challenges in your life.

  6. Have a self-care routine

    Do something you enjoy and make it an every day routine. It may be taking a walk, doing yoga, cycling, listening to audio, or any other physical activity.

  7. Hangout with people who make you happy

    Take comfort in people who inspire you and hangout with them today.

  8. Show kindness to people around you

    Today appreciate the people around you and show gratitude. Let your actions bring positive impact to those surrounding you.

  9. Write down your anxious thoughts and feelings

    Keeping a journal of your anxious moments can help reduce anxiety. Get the feelings out of your mind, and onto a paper.

  10. Take a break from social media

    Improve your mental health by stepping away from social media for awhile. “Anxiety and depression reduce significantly when there’s no pressure to meet the standards you see on social media.”

  11. Quit a bad habit

    Identify bad habits that sabotage your mental health and slowly learn how to stop them.

  12. Take a nap and rest

    By having enough sleep, you give yourself the chance to get the rest that your mind and body need.

  13. Learn a new skill

    Learn something new outside your comfort zone and make room for exciting adventures in your life.

  14. Limit alcohol, caffeine and other drugs

    A lot of drugs cause mental health problems which can last for years. Take care of your mental health by limiting alcohol and drugs.

  15. Build your self confidence

    Self confidence give you a positive outlook on life and increases your mental and emotional well-being.

  16. Create more space for self-love

    “No one can make you feel happy unless you create the space inside yourself” Have more regard for yourself and don’t always sacrifice your well-being to please others.”

  17. Set small, easy to attain goals

    Setting goals of the things you want to achieve often gives you a peace of mind

  18. Face your fears

    Extreme fear and anxiety can negatively affect your mental health. You can easily conquer whatever you’re afraid by facing it.

  19. Practice 20 minutes of daily meditation

    The ultimate goal of meditation is to find inner peace and let go negative feelings. Meditation helps a lot in improving mental health.

  20. Be patient with yourself

    Practicing patience will help you lower stress level and improve your physical and mental health.

  21. Write out your challenge wins

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