10 Doable Tips to Help You Quit Alcohol

Staying out of alcoholism can be one of the hardest tasks for addicts. You desire to stop but find yourself back at it everytime.

However, there are simple tips you can use to control the addiction and realize a fulfilling life that is free from alcohol slavery. The tips will also help you be more productive than before.

  1. Admit that you have a problem

The first step to quitting booze is to accept that you are in a deep problem and you need help. Realizing that it’s not ‘only one drink’ but a real problem helps you work hard in getting out of addiction.

When you recognize that grabbing some bottles after work is a problem itself, you will be in the recovery process in no time. The fact that alcoholism is an addiction  first requires acceptance so that the entire recovery process can be easy.

     2. Quit your drinking friends

You need to change your social circle in your efforts to quit drinking. Hanging out with your drunken friends only motivates you to grab a few drinks. At the end of the day, you find quitting complicated. Having a new life with friends who don’t drink will make things easy. If you are always around drinking pals and expect to quit, you may find it hard.

      3. Don’t stock alcohol in your fridge
When it is in your house, it will tempt you. Whether it is your friends who insist on leaving it behind after a night party, or you bought it down the street, never stock the alcohol. What works is throwing away the drink or packing the friends the alcohol to carry it with them.

By having the alcohol stocked up, you will always get tempted to take a sip and end up drinking more than you had planned.

    4. Go to a rehab
You may have drunk too much alcohol and end up wallowing in addiction.  In such a situation, it’s important to look for professional and medical support. You can either go for an inpatient or outpatient program for treatment. Having a professional monitor your progress will be of great benefit.

5. Inform your social circle about your decision
Without the support of your social circle, quitting may not be easy. You need to inform them of your decision  to quit booze. If they care about you, they will offer their support.

6. Replace alcoholic drinks with alcohol-free beers
There are lots of alcohol-free beers you can use. Go for you most preferred taste and stock it in place of the alcoholic drinks.

7. Drive yourself when going out
Being the designated driver when going out, you’ll need to be sober you so that you get home safely. You’ll eventually control your drinking habit.

8. Don’t beat yourself up
When you drink again after stopping, don’t beat yourself up. Give yourself time by making a decision, for example, to not drink for one month, then two, then three and so on. Eventually, you will have stayed sober for a long time without realizing it.

Beating yourself up for drinking makes you dwell on regrets and no recovery happens in the long run. If you drink out of temptation, forgive yourself and move on with life.

9. Involve yourself in other social activities
Use your leisure time doing useful stuff. You can start new hobbies like playing games like basketball, football, and others, or swimming and joining other interactive sessions. Replacing this time helps you keep yourself busy and not in any way will you think about boozing.

10. Stay away from bars
Bars bring a lot  of temptations especially when with colleagues. During your happy hours, you might be tempted to grab a drink. Avoid this by ensuring your meetings are set away from bars to keep down the urge to drink. Staying away from places where you can buy beers helps you keep it away from your mind. They say out of sight out of mind, right?

Bottom line 
If you want to cut down on alcohol consumption,  the tips in this article will be a great start for you. In efforts to quit alcoholism, you may find yourself making little progress along the way. On such occasions, pat yourself on the back and soldier on to an alcohol-free, healthy, and productive life.

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